Jun 30, 2011

Oyster Dress

This is a great example of mixing fashion and nature. Alexander McQueen designed this Oyster dress that is worn by my favorite model Natalia. I love the layers and layers of fabric and the overall style of this wonderful dress.

Jun 29, 2011


I normally hate superhero stuff but my sister asked me to go to the new X-Men movie with Michael Fassbender (my love from Jane Eyre) and I really liked it. I also found these sweet posters so it helped change my mind. I think I will give other superhero movies a chance...maybe.

Jun 28, 2011

great illustration

I think I need to draw more. Ever since I got into design I haven't had much time to draw and I miss it. All I ever do is little sketches for ideas but drawing and coloring to finish a picture is something I feel like needs to happen more in my life. This tree has so much character and the artisit's style is so fun and quirky. Reminds me a little of where the wild things are.

Jun 26, 2011


I love mermaids, and that is why I absolutely loved the new pirates of the caribbean movie. The new guy in it is sexy and the mermaids are beautiful. Speaking of fairytale stories, I found out they are making the hobbit movie by JRR Tolkien and that is one I am very excited for. It wont come out until next year but its gonna be good.
The last reason I love this movie is because all the music is done by my favorite composer, Hans Zimmer. He did my favorite movie Gladiator, all the Pirates movies, King Arthur, The Holiday and so many others. His music is beautiful.

Jun 25, 2011

Look what I found...

I found these beautiful photographs. It reminds me a little of my concept with my friend Kims photoshoot but obviously much much better. I need to practice more with photoshop and lighting, the hair and makeup are similar as well as the backgrounds. The clothes are sooo beautiful.http://www.behance.net/gallery/Secrets-are-Memories/918000

Jun 24, 2011

New Job

I got a new job designing at a place called netdocuments. I really like it and its close to home. They have never had a designer so there is so much to do. My first project was fun posters for the conference room while Im working on the website. I didn't have much time but here they are:)


Faces: I liked these because there are so many ways that someone could design a face. So many styles and they all look really good. I want to get back into painting, like the first two. I have never tried watercolor and I think it would be fun.

Jun 22, 2011

20000 leagues under the sea

20000 leagues under the sea (opening titles) from Maximov on Vimeo.
I found this on twitter today and I love it. It is such a great collaboration of  motion and film. The movement in the water is such a great background texture. Love this soooo much

Jun 20, 2011

The dark arts

Even though this photography is creepy I really like it. The lighting is beautiful and the subject is great. Wardrobe styling for this shoot was done to perfection.

What good news!

A couple months ago I blogged about how good men are like unicorns, they don't exist. Well do I have good news for myself and all those lonely women looking for a good man to date. This morning as I was doing my normal art search for cool and interesting things and updating on my favorite sites and blogs I saw a miracle....the real deal.  I saw a unicorn. There is hope and it makes me happy:)

Jun 15, 2011

fun bags;)

I am obsessed with these creative bags! http://www.youthedesigner.com/2011/06/15/creative-packaging-excellent-designs-of-paper-bags-and-boxes/

check up on it

SO. I have been watching a ton of documentaries lately on wealth and how it affects society and individuals. One Percent and Born Rich (done by the same kid from the Johnson & Johnson family) have really made me think about wealth and what it means to me in my life.

I found these blunders that I thought corresponded to what I have been learning and how to stay in check.

7 blunders of the world
I have come to the decision that I am grateful at this point that I wasn't some heir to billions and that I have learned to work because I feel like it has helped me become more ambitious and feel self fulfilled, which is a problem most of the kids struggle with. I would love to say that I wouldn't be lazy or snoby, but there is a reason I am not in that situation. I am so grateful for my life and I wouldn't want it any other way. Amen.

This poster is sweet!  I love it because its girl power...and I am girl power;)

I think I have a fetish with pictures that don't show some ones whole face. It is so mysterious and beautiful to me. I don't know what it is but it tells a story and I love that element of what just one picture can say.
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