Nov 1, 2011

Thank you Skype

I love my nephew Asher, he is the sweetest boy I have ever known and he lives in Canada so I never see him but thankfully someone invented Skype and I get to watch his little baths and giggles. I am so grateful for the time that I live in so I can still see and talk to my family even though they live so far away.

When my sister got diagnosed with cancer in 2010 I was so completely shocked, I couldn't believe someone so young could get something like that. She got through her ovarian and instantly got pregnant ( which was a miracle) and while she was pregnant she found cervical cancer growing. When you are pregnant all of your cells grow faster so by the time she had the baby it was pretty serious. A few months after she had surgery and now she is going through chemotherapy, where her hair will fall out. I am so proud of the way she has handled this trial at her young age and with her new life. I can't help but look up to her saw a great example of a strong and courageous mother and women.

1 comment:

  1. awww, i loved this post. kinda made me cry juuuuust a titch. he sure is cute. and im sure your the best auntie.


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