Aug 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

This last week has been insane!!! My friend Katie Hood and I had our birthdays and it was the last week of summer so of course everyone wants the excuse to have a party... so we had one everyday.
Monday: Hike the Y and yogurtland
Tuesday: Bike ride to the sev (711) in provo
Wednesday: Ice-blocking and hot tubbing
Thursday: Lupe Fiasco concert!!!! and of course the pie
Friday: Allred concert in centerstreet and a house birthday dance party for us in Draper.(Didn't know most of the people there but it was cool)
Saturday: chill (went to bed early!! woohoo)
Sunday: Barbecue at the park and dessert party at arlington, the final party! 

Very fun week & very tiring. It was a great 25th birthday! ( never having a party again) toooo much.

My sweet mother & father bought me the most beautiful Michael Kors golden watch and then I bought myself a bunch of clothes and a flight to NYC baby!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh!! I'm super jealous of your cute watch- and it sounds like you had a fabulous birthday!


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